Alle Artikel von “artadminC”

1442666 steps between Dartington and Frankfurt
1.442.666 Schritte zwischen Dartington und Frankfurt Open Air Aktion im Atelier Ahmad Rafi am 17., 18. und 19 Juli 2008 Konzept, Realisation: Ahmad Rafi / Koordination: Sofia Greff Artists from Großbritannien in Frankfurt am Main:Maddy Pethick, Fotografie, Video, ObjekteNathan Walker, Performance, ObjekteLucy Cran, PerformanceEmma Bennett, […]

Entglittene Sicht Konzept
The artistically themed studio windows (portrait formatted panel paintings) enter into a dialogue with the actual windows of the Bellevue Hall. As the carrier of the painting, the canvas is a window to the world, leading us into the world of the studio. to the […]

Artist / Don Quixote
An interdisciplinary and international exhibition series involving 22 international artists, shown in three cities. The project was created as a European cooperation between the three countries Spain, Germany and Bulgaria. The exhibition venues included the Neue Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, the Kunstverein Familie Montez, the Instituto Cervantes […]

De-Composition No. 26
De-Composition No. 26 A multimedia installation by Ahmad Rafi, 2021, in collaboration with Karin Hörler (film), Monika Thiéry (composition/piano) and Eric Plandé (saxophone), Eckhard Kuchenbecker (sound installation), Ahmad Rafi (concept and painting) The starting point of this work is a 4 minute cellphone video sent […]

Entglittene Sicht
Entglittene Sicht Exhibition, installation at the Bellevue Hall in Wiesbaden Studio window as a metaphor in the exhibition space. Here, painted imaginary windows of the studio are juxtaposed with the real windows of the Bellevue Hall. The artistically themed studio windows (portrait formatted panel paintings) […]

aab ~ water
aab ~ water Paintings & Installation2014-2018 As is always the case in Ahmad Rafi’s multi-layered and complex artistic position, it didn‘t remain a purely natural reflection. He engaged with a traditional philosophical concept that interprets flowing water as the embodiment of human existence and as […]