An interdisciplinary and international exhibition series
involving 22 international artists, shown in three cities. The project was created as a European cooperation between the three countries Spain, Germany and Bulgaria. The exhibition venues included the Neue Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, the Kunstverein Familie Montez, the Instituto Cervantes in Frankfurt/Main, and the House of the Architect in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

Downloads (pdf):
Invitation card
Full programme

21.07. – 15.09.2019
Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg
im KunstLANDing
18h: Opening Notes: Elisabeth Claus
19h: Dance performance
„I Don Quixote“ by Mohsen Hosseini, choreographer/Iran
Followed by Summer festivity
Artist / Don Quixote
Photos from one of the four Exhibition spaces, Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, 2019-07-21:
Some 400 years after his birth in Spanish poet’s Miguel de Cervantes‘ most famous work, the character of “Don Quixote” seems to have lost nothing of his fascination and keeps on inspiring contemporary artists of all genres. The intricate tale of the literary anti-hero par excellence remains to be equally inviting and puzzling.
For this multimedia-exhibition (incorporating works in plastic arts, photography and video art), numerous international artists have been invited to share their personal approach and interpretation of the figure of Don Quixote. Their works are observations and parables on the role and self-perception of the artist in contemporary culture and social conditions in general.