
Ahmad Rafi

1961 born in Tehran / Iran
lives and works in Frankfurt / Main, Germany

1996 Promotion Award for Contemporary Art, Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg
2013 Nomination for the St. Leopold Peace Prize, Austria
2020 Working scholarship of the Hessian Cultural Foundation
2020 Project scholarship of the Hessian Cultural Foundation
2021 Project scholarship of the BBK Federal Association
2021 Bridge scholarship of the Hessian Cultural Foundation
2022 Scholarship Kunstverein Bellevue-Saal, Wiesbaden

2002 Taste of Place, Open air action with invited international artists, Frankfurt am Main
2003 Flüchtige Verfestigung, Exhibition at Hessischer Rundfunk
2003 HautNahOst, Open air action with invited international artists, Frankfurt am Main
2005 Unort, Open air action with invited international artists, Frankfurt am Main
2007 Project Space, Schuster Gallery, Frankfurt am Main
2008 1442666 Steps between Dartington and Frankfurt, Dartington College of Arts / Great Britain
2009 Grenzland, Evangelical City Academy, Frankfurt/ Neuer Kunstverein, Aschaffenburg
2010 Kriegerische Idylle, Bellevue Saal, Wiesbaden
2010 Erhard Witzel Gallery, Wiesbaden
2011 Gerechtigkeit schafft Frieden, Klosterneuburg / Austria
(Nominated for the St. Leopold Peace Prize)
2012 Menschenwürde contra Zynismus, Klosterneuburg / Austria
2015 Die Grosse, Kunstpalast Museum, Düsseldorf
2016 Die Grosse, Düsseldorf
2018 aab ~ wasser, Kunstverein Familie Montez, Frankfurt am Main
2019 Artist / Don Quixote, a curatorial interdisciplinary exhibition series
involving 22 international artists in Frankfurt am Main, Aschaffenburg and Stara Zagora,
2021 Fata Morgana 2021, Remisengalerie, Schloss Philippsruhe, Hanau
2021 De-Composition No. 26, Alte Dorfkirche, Atelier Konrad Franz, Hausen
2022 Entglittene Sicht, Painting and Video Installation, Kunstverein Bellevue-Saal, Wiesbaden
2022 Of War and Idyll, Azad Art Gallery, Teheran / Iran and Gallery Aknoon, Isaahan / Iran
2022 Im Fluss der Dinge,, Installation in public space, Historical Museum, Frankfurt am Main

Trade Fair Participation
2007 Scope / New York, Scope / Basel, Scope / Cologne

Catalogues (Selection)
1992 Grenzenlos, Art & Culture Foundation, Bonn
2003 Flüchtige Verfestigung, Exhibition at Hessischen Rundfunk
2010 Kriegerische Idyll, Bellevue Saal, Wiesbaden
2016 Die Grosse, Düsseldorf
2018 aab-wasser, Painting, Light & Videoinstallation, Michael Imhof Publisher

In addition to painting and film, Ahmad Rafi’s artistic work also includes curatorial activities that offer national and international artists a platform for socially relevant topics.