canvas series / Of truth and deception Ahmad Rafi refers to the stagings as performative acts. A painter hides behind his canvas. Artist and canvas are inseparably connected. The artist himself is not visible, revealing himself only through his painted canvas. The backgrounds in his […]
Alle Artikel in der Kategorie “canvas series”

triptych I
canvas series / Of truth and deception Paintings & Installation1999-2004 triptych II shadows behind The first works in the Canvas Series originates from the year 1999. The canvas depicted in the works has numbers on it. They were on the real canvas. Feet stick out from […]

triptych II
canvas series / triptych II triptych I shadows behind The second triptych was made directly after completing the first, but the position of the canvas changes. Instead of the canvas hanging from a frame it is now lying free within the space.

shadows behind
shadows behind triptych I triptysch II Ahmad Rafi works on two different levels. One is on the painted canvas itself and the other is the objects projected onto the material from behind.